Environment Verification (Connect)


Gluent Data Platform includes the Connect component primarily for environment verification.

Environment verification using Connect involves running the connect command from $OFFLOAD_HOME/bin with no options after sourcing the Gluent Data Platform environment file, as shown below.

Running Connect

Connect should be run from the server(s) on which Gluent Offload Engine is to be run.


If the backend authentication mechanism is Kerberos on either Cloudera Data Hub or Cloudera Data Platform Private Cloud, a Kerberos ticket should firstly be obtained using kinit -kt <path_to_keytab_file> <principal_name>

$ cd $OFFLOAD_HOME/bin
$ . ../conf/offload.env
$ ./connect

Connect performs a number of tests under various categories.

For each test Passed or Failed is reported.

Connect Exit Status

Connect returns the following status codes:




Completed without error, test failures or test warnings


Fatal error encountered during execution


One or more tests resulted in failure, zero or more test resulted in warning


One or more tests resulted in warning, zero tests resulted in failure

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