Gluent Node Upgrade


This document includes the upgrade steps for the Gluent Node.

Upgrade Software Installation

Perform the following actions as the owner of the existing Gluent Data Platform installation.

Backup Existing Software

Source the Gluent Data Platform environment file and run backup commands:

$ . <OFFLOAD_HOME>/conf/offload.env
$ for f in offload/conf/{offload.env,datad.conf,,*.xml,*.key}; do [ ! -f $f ] || cp $f .; done
$ mv offload offload.$(date +%Y.%m.%d_%H.%M.%S)

Unpack New Software

Unpack the install tarball (gluent_offload_<version>.tar.bz2):


When unpacking, an offload directory will be created if it does not exist. The offload directory is referred to as <OFFLOAD_HOME> and an environment variable ($OFFLOAD_HOME) will be set when offload.env is sourced.

$ cd <Gluent Data Platform Base Directory>
$ tar xpf <Gluent Data Platform Installation Media Directory>/gluent_offload_<version>.tar.bz2

Restore Configuration Files

Copy configuration files into new $OFFLOAD_HOME:

$ for f in {offload.env,datad.conf,,*.xml,*.key}; do [ ! -f $f ] || cp $f offload/conf; done

Upgrade Spark Standalone

All commands should be run as the Gluent Data Platform OS User.

Backup Configuration File

Run the following:

$ cd /opt/gluent
$ cp $SPARK_HOME/conf/spark-defaults.conf .

Stop Spark Standalone

To stop Spark Standalone issue the following commands:

$ $SPARK_HOME/sbin/
$ $SPARK_HOME/sbin/

Unpack New Software

Run the following:

$ cd /opt/gluent/
$ rm -fr transport
$ tar xf <Gluent Data Platform Installation Media Directory>/gluent_transport_spark_<version>.tar.bz2

Update Configuration File

Compare the existing Spark configuration file with the Spark configuration file shipped with the new version and update as appropriate:

$ diff spark-defaults.conf transport/spark/conf/spark-defaults.conf

Start Spark Standalone

To start Spark Standalone manually, issue the following commands:

$ $SPARK_HOME/sbin/
$ $SPARK_HOME/sbin/

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