Gluent Data Platform Environment File Upgrade


The new version of Gluent Data Platform may introduce new, deprecated and/or modified parameters in offload.env. This document includes the steps to upgrade the Gluent Data Platform environment file.

Review Changes

Refer to Configuration Changes for details of changes in this release.

Add New Parameters

To add new parameters from the template file to the environment file run the following:

$ cd $OFFLOAD_HOME/bin
$ . ../conf/offload.env
$ ./connect --upgrade-environment-file

Remove Deprecated Parameters

Run the connect command without any options and look for a Warning in the Configuration section comparing the environment file with the template file, e.g.:

$ ./connect


offload.env vs oracle-hadoop-offload.env.template
DEPRECATED_PARAMETER_EXAMPLE is present in offload.env but not in oracle-hadoop-offload.env.template
offload.env vs oracle-hadoop-offload.env.template Warning
Remove deprecated/unsupported parameters from offload.env


Any changes made to the Gluent Data Platform environment file (offload.env) must be propagated across all installations.

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