Configuring Data Daemon Web Interface


This document includes the steps to configure the Data Daemon Web Interface.


The web interface port can be changed from its default of 50052 with the server.port property in $OFFLOAD_HOME/conf/ (create the file if it does not exist).


Any changes made to the Data Daemon properties file ( must be propagated across all installations running Data Daemon.


The web interface can be disabled by setting the spring.main.web-application-type property to none in $OFFLOAD_HOME/conf/ (create the file if it does not exist).


Any changes made to the Data Daemon properties file ( must be propagated across all installations running Data Daemon.


Authentication can be configured by setting both DATAD_WEB_USER and DATAD_WEB_PASS in offload.env. Password encryption is supported using the Password Tool utility.

Restart Data Daemon

Data Daemon must be restarted for the changes to take effect. Refer to Stop Gluent Data Platform Daemons and Start Gluent Data Platform Daemons.

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