
Documentation Conventions

  • Commands and keywords are in this font.

  • $OFFLOAD_HOME is set when the environment file (offload.env) is sourced, unless already set, and refers to the directory named offload that is created when the software is unpacked. This is also referred to as <OFFLOAD_HOME> in sections of this guide where the environment file has not been created/sourced.

  • Third party vendor product names might be aliased or shortened for simplicity. See Third Party Vendor Products for cross-references to full product names and trademarks.


This guide describes and demonstrates a range of performance optimizations that are available when using Gluent Data Platform. Familiarity with Gluent Data Platform Concepts is a pre-requisite.

Optimization Goals

When a query is executed against a hybrid view and Oracle Database determines it needs to retrieve data from the hybrid external table, a “distributed” query has begun. Oracle Database will wait until the rows from the backend system are returned to the hybrid external table by Smart Connector, the key component of Gluent Query Engine. When the rows are received, Oracle Database will ingest them through its external table interface.

There are four areas of potential bottleneck in this process:

  1. The volume of data/number of rows returned to Oracle Database

  2. The ingestion rate of the rows received by Oracle Database

  3. The time taken to process the data in the backend system

  4. The time taken to transfer the rows from the backend system to the Oracle Database instance

It follows that the performance tuning goals should be:

  1. Reducing the volume of data/number of rows returned by pushing processing down to the backend

  2. Increasing the speed of ingestion by returning only what is needed from the backend

  3. Increasing speed of backend processing

  4. Increasing throughput from the backend system to the RDBMS

Reducing the Volume of Rows Returned by Pushing Processing Down to the Backend System

The most important optimization goal is to reduce the number of rows retrieved from the backend system. Gluent Query Engine is able to push processing to the backend under several scenarios:

  • Filter (predicate) pushdown

  • Join filter pulldown

  • Aggregation (group by) pushdown

  • Join pushdown

  • Aggregation and join pushdown

In all cases the pushdown/pulldown optimizations utilize backend system resources for processing data and reduce the volume of data transported back to the RDBMS.


Pushing processing also offloads processing power to the backend system and can reduce CPU consumption in the RDBMS. An example is that after hybridization, a CPU-hungry serial scan in Oracle Database can become a parallel scan in the backend with massively-reduced Oracle Database CPU consumption.


The MONITOR hint is only included in the examples to enable a report to be generated with Hybrid Query Report after each query (for investigation purposes). Also note that these examples use schema-references to denote ownership of the query objects. As described in Transparent Query, this isn’t mandatory and all references can be removed and resolved to the hybrid schema itself by modifying the “current schema” for the database session.

Predicate Pushdown

Below is an example of a hybrid query that will benefit from predicate pushdown:

     FROM   sh_h.sales
     WHERE  time_id <= DATE '2011-01-01'
     AND    prod_id = 23;

Both of the predicates in the example will be pushed to the backend system (Google BigQuery in this example) for filtering. The impact of the pushdown can be investigated by generating a hybrid query report using Gluent Query Engine’s Hybrid Query Report. See Hybrid Query Report for instructions on how to generate a report.

Performance Predicate Pushdown


  • The query displayed in the report shows Smart Connector has included both predicates in the Google BigQuery query

  • Google BigQuery has scanned 6.53M rows but filtered those down to 1.92k after applying the predicates

Table 1 below lists all of the Oracle Database functions and expression formats supported for predicate pushdown by Smart Connector.

Table 1: Supported Predicate Pushdown Functions and Expressions






<literal> + <literal>

Literals must be NUMBER or TIMESTAMP

<literal> / <literal>

Literals must be NUMBER or TIMESTAMP

<number> * <number>

<number> - <number>

MOD(<column>, <literal>)


=|!=|<>|>|<|>=|<= <column>

=|!=|<>|>|<|>=|<= <literal>

Literals can be of any data type that supports comparison

For Impala, the > < >= <= comparison operators are disabled with string literals (due to Impala’s limitations with non-ASCII data and operators). They can be enabled with the -pushdown-string-operations Smart Connector option, but this should only be used if all string data is known to be ASCII, otherwise it can lead to wrong results

Contact Gluent Support for more information


Disabled by default. Can be enabled with the -pushdown-like Smart Connector option

Should only be set when:

  • NLS session parameters for the Oracle Database session are guaranteed to match one of the following rules:

    • Either NLS_COMP or NLS_SORT is set to BINARY

    • NLS_COMP is either LINGUISTIC or ANSI and NLS_SORT is set to BINARY_CI

  • Data to be searched with LIKE is encoded with UTF-8 (applies only to presented Impala tables/views. Offload encodes all strings as UTF-8 when offloading to Impala)

Setting -pushdown-like when the above criteria are not guaranteed can lead to wrong results

Contact Gluent Support for more information





Literals can be numbers, dates or timestamps

TO_CHAR(<literal>, <format>)

Literals can be dates or timestamps

Format masks containing one or more of the following elements are supported: YYYY MM DD D HH24

All single-character separators are supported, e.g. / -

TO_CHAR(<column>, <format>)

For date or timestamp columns

Format masks containing one or more of the following elements are supported: YYYY MM DD D HH24

All single-character separators are supported, e.g. / -


TO_DATE(<literal>, <format>)

Format masks containing one or more of the following elements are supported: YYYY YYY YY Y RRRR RR MON MM DD HH24 MI SS S FF[0-9]

Supported separators are: - , . ; : \s


TO_TIMESTAMP(<literal>, <format>)

Format masks containing one or more of the following elements are supported: YYYY YYY YY Y RRRR RR MON MM DD HH24 MI SS S FF[0-9]

Supported separators are: - , . ; : \s


ADD_MONTHS(<column>, <number>)

Enabled for pushdown to Impala and Snowflake (disabled for BigQuery

LEAST(<timestamp>, <timestamp>)




Literals can be dates or timestamps

Defaults to DD format

TRUNC(<literal>, <modifier>)

Literals can be dates or timestamps

Supported modifiers are: YYYY Y MON MM DD


For date and timestamp columns

Defaults to DD format

TRUNC(<column>, <modifier>)

For date and timestamp columns

Supported modifiers are: YYYY Y MON MM DD


CONCAT(<literal>, <literal>)



UDF is for Impala only (not required for BigQuery or Snowflake)

SUBSTR(<literal>, <literal>, <literal>)

SUBSTR(<column>, <literal>, <literal>)

Enabled for pushdown to BigQuery and Snowflake

Disabled by default for Impala due to its limitations with non-ASCII characters and string functions. Can be enabled with the -pushdown-string-functions Smart Connector option, but this should only be used if all string data is ASCII

Contact Gluent Support for more information

SUBSTRB(<column>, <literal>, <literal>)

Enabled for pushdown to BigQuery and Snowflake

Disabled by default for Impala due to its limitations with non-ASCII characters and string functions. Can be enabled with the -pushdown-string-functions Smart Connector option, but this should only be used if all string data is ASCII

Contact Gluent Support for more information


MODULE, ACTION, CLIENT_INFO parameters in USERENV namespace



UDF is for Impala only (not required for BigQuery or Snowflake)


CLIENT_INFO parameter

Functions and expressions will be evaluated by Smart Connector and pushed down as literal predicates whenever it is possible and safe to do so. In all other cases, functions and expressions will be pushed down for evaluation by the backend in the appropriate SQL dialect.

Join Pushdown

Below is an example of a hybrid query that will benefit from join pushdown:

     ,      channel2
     ,      COUNT(*)
     FROM (
           SELECT s1.channel_id channel1
           ,      s2.channel_id channel2
           FROM   sh_h.sales s1
                  INNER JOIN
                  sh_h.sales s2
                  ON (    s1.cust_id = s2.cust_id
                      AND s1.prod_id = s2.prod_id
                      AND s1.promo_id = s2.promo_id
                      AND s1.time_id = s2.time_id)
           WHERE  s1.channel_id <> s2.channel_id)
     ,     channel2
     ,     channel2;

The query is first executed without any of the objects required for join pushdown existing. The hybrid query report shows the following.

Performance Join Pushdown Before


  • Two external tables are processed, sending back approximately 5.57M rows to Oracle Database combined

  • Oracle Database performs the join operation, discarding any non-matching rows

  • Smart Connector Operation Timings total over 14 seconds

By using offload with the extended --offload-join Offload Join Grammar, Gluent Offload Engine creates hybrid objects in the RDBMS and a view in the backend system that when combined pushdown the join processing. See Offloading Joins for further details.

For this example, using a Cloudera Data Hub backend, the following offload join command was issued:

$ ./offload -t sh.sales_self_join -xf --no-materialize-join \
  --offload-join="table(sales) alias(s1) project(*)" \
  --offload-join="table(sales) alias(s2) inner-join(s1) join-clauses(time_id,cust_id,prod_id) project(*)"

The exact same hybrid query is now issued and the resulting hybrid query report shows the following.

Performance Join Pushdown After


  • A single external table is accessed to return the joined rowsource

  • The Impala query displayed in the report shows the SALES_SELF_JOIN view is queried thereby performing the join operation in Hadoop

  • Only the results of the join are returned to the Oracle Database instance: 614.5k rows (compare with 5.57M without join pushdown)

  • Smart Connector Operation Timings total under 6 seconds (compare with over 14 seconds without join pushdown)

Materialized Join Pushdown

Further efficiencies can be realized by materializing the results of the join in the backend system in a table rather than using a logical view.

Returning to the non-materialized join pushdown example from above, the Plan section in the hybrid query report shows the following.

Performance Join Pushdown Not Materialized


  • Two SCAN HDFS operations on two copies of the sh.sales table are performed

  • The results are joined by Impala before returning the matching 614.5k rows

Now the offload join is recreated; this time omitting the --no-materialize-join option:

$ ./offload -t sh.sales_self_join -xf \
  --offload-join="table(sales) alias(s1) project(*)" \
  --offload-join="table(sales) alias(s2) inner-join(s1) join-clauses(time_id,cust_id,prod_id) project(*)"

The same hybrid query is issued again and the Plan section in the resulting hybrid query report shows the following.

Performance Join Pushdown Materialized


  • A single SCAN HDFS operation on the sh.sales_self_join table is performed

  • The elapsed time of the Smart Connector execute phase is reduced to 0.26 seconds (compare with 3.21 seconds when the join is not materialized)

Adaptive Join Filter Pulldown (JFPD)

In addition to pushing predicates and projections on an offloaded table to the backend system, Gluent Query Engine is also able to pulldown predicates on tables that are joined to the offloaded table. This enables the backend table to be pre-filtered and return a smaller dataset. The following query illustrates this optimization:

SQL> SELECT /*+ MONITOR */ SUM(s.amount_sold)
     FROM   sh_h.sales s
     ,      sh.times   t
     WHERE  s.time_id = t.time_id
     AND    t.calendar_year = 2012;

Notice that the CALENDAR_YEAR predicate is applied to the SH.TIMES table which has not been offloaded.

The Hybrid Query Report shows the following:

Performance Join Filter Pulldown


  • The Join Filter Pulldown section indicates the optimization has been applied

  • The Query displayed shows the presence of a TIME_ID predicate on the offloaded SALES table even though none was supplied in the hybrid query

  • The range of TIME_ID values to be applied to SALES is constructed by querying SH.TIMES in the Oracle Database instance with the predicates on SH.TIMES. The matching TIME_ID values are pulled down and applied to the SALES table in the backend query, in this example Google BigQuery, as a combination of a range predicate and an IN-LIST predicate

Advanced Aggregation Pushdown (AAPD)

In addition to offloading filters to the backend, Gluent Query Engine is able to push CPU-intensive workloads such as aggregations to the backend system. Additional hybrid objects are automatically created during an Offload or Present operation (and custom aggregation objects can additionally be created as described in Custom Advanced Aggregation Pushdown Rules). Using the previous SALES offload example, the additional objects created to support aggregation pushdown are as follows.

Backend System
  • Optional conversion view to handle column names that are incompatible with the RDBMS

Oracle Database
  • Views SH_H.SALES_AGG and SH_H.SALES_CNT_AGG (hybrid view)

  • Tables SH_H.SALES_AGG_EXT and SH_H.SALES_CNT_AGG_EXT (preprocessor hybrid external table)

  • Advanced Query Rewrite Equivalences SH_H.SALES_AGG and SH_H.SALES_CNT_AGG (known as a rewrite rule for ease of reference)

The SALES_AGG aggregated view of the data will include:

  • All columns from SALES

  • Aggregation columns specified in --aggregate-by

  • A default “count star” column

  • A default AVG, MIN, MAX, COUNT, SUM aggregate for all numeric columns

  • A default MIN, MAX, COUNT aggregate for all other non-numeric columns


The hybrid aggregation objects should not be referenced directly in user queries. Instead, aggregation pushdown occurs transparently when aggregate queries are executed against base hybrid views such in the following examples.

Simple count(*):

     FROM sh_h.sales;

Aggregate query with a join to a dimension:

     ,      s.prod_id
     ,      COUNT(*)
     FROM   sh_h.sales s
     ,      sh.times   t
     WHERE  s.time_id = t.time_id
     GROUP  BY
            t.calendar_year, s.prod_id;

Using ANSI syntax:

            t.calendar_year, s.prod_id, COUNT(*)
     FROM   sh_h.sales s
            INNER JOIN
            sh.times   t
     ON     (s.time_id = t.time_id)
     GROUP  BY
            t.calendar_year, s.prod_id;

Count Distinct:

     ,      COUNT(DISTINCT s.time_id)
     FROM   sh_h.sales s
     ,      sh.times   t
     WHERE  s.time_id = t.time_id
     GROUP  BY


     ,      t.calendar_year
     ,      COUNT(*)
     FROM   sh_h.sales s
     ,      sh.times   t
     WHERE  s.time_id = t.time_id
     AND    t.calendar_year = 2012
     GROUP  BY
            ROLLUP(t.calendar_month_number, t.calendar_year);

Taking the Rollup example executed against a Hadoop-based backend, the hybrid query report shows the following:

Performance Advanced Aggregation Pushdown


  • An Advanced Aggregation Pushdown hybrid external table was used rather than the base hybrid external table

  • The BigQuery query generated by Gluent Query Engine includes a GROUP BY

  • Google BigQuery scanned 35.89M rows but only returned the results of the aggregation to Smart Connector, in this case just 365 rows

  • The Rewrite section (not shown in screenshot) shows the results of the transparent rewrite of the SQL referencing the SH_H.SALES hybrid view to reference the SH_H.SALES_CNT_AGG hybrid view

Multi-table joins and outer joins are supported for rewrite (if a suitable aggregation rewrite rule exists) and ANSI-join syntax will be matched to equivalent rules that are expressed in Oracle SQL join syntax.


Aggregation pushdown is primarily restricted by Oracle’s Advanced Query Rewrite engine and what it will consider safe or valid to rewrite. In addition to this, some of the Oracle Database metadata used by Advanced Query Rewrite (constraints, dimensions, hierarchies etc) does not apply to the hybrid external table created by the Gluent Offload Engine, although a lot can still be achieved when some of the functional dependencies can be determined (e.g. dimension tables with primary keys are in Oracle Database, fact tables with foreign keys have been offloaded).

Oracle Advanced Query Rewrite will not consider queries with multiple COUNT(DISTINCT) projections safe to rewrite unless all COUNT(DISTINCT) columns are satisfied from a single table in the query (either an offloaded table or a single dimension/lookup table with functional dependencies such as a primary key join).

Every aggregation query rewrite rule is created as a GENERAL rule (rather than RECURSIVE), meaning that while source queries can be rewritten to match equivalence rules, the resulting destination SQL will not itself be rewritten to find further rewrite opportunities.

Increasing the Speed of Ingestion

Gluent Query Engine has a number of built-in optimizations that aim to increase the speed of ingestion of rows returned from the backend system to the RDBMS. These are not controllable by the end user and are described here for reference only.

Projection Optimization

Smart Connector only projects and returns data for columns in the plan projection (for example, selected columns, columns used in join conditions, or columns involved in predicates), thereby reducing the volume of data that needs to be transported from the backend system to the RDBMS. The greatest impact of this optimization is realized when eliminating strings and timestamps from the projection.

Column Dropout

An optimization whereby Smart Connector returns incomplete records when trailing fields are not in the projection (and therefore not required).

Run-Length Encoding

Method used by Smart Connector to minimize data returned to hybrid external table interface by replacing sequences of the same data values by a count number and a single value.

Data Type Conversion

Gluent Query Engine’s Data Daemon (internally or via UDFs) converts backend field values to Oracle Database internal formats for greater efficiency in external table ingestion.

Increasing the Speed of Backend Processing

Partition Pruning

In addition to predicate pushdown the query in Predicate Pushdown also demonstrates partition pruning. The example given is from a BigQuery system, with the SALES table partitioned on the TIME_ID column in both Oracle and BigQuery. Partitioning and partition-pruning is also applicable to Hadoop-based backends. In a Hadoop system, Gluent Offload Engine will partition the backend table by a GL_PART_M_TIME_ID synthetic partition key.

The following image shows the Plan section of a Hybrid Query Report for the example query in a Hadoop environment. Notice that the SQL contains both the TIME_ID predicate and the matching GL_PART_M_TIME_ID synthetic partition key predicate injected by Smart Connector to enable partition pruning. The Plan can be used to determine if partitioning pruning has occurred. The SCAN HDFS operation (under the F00:PLAN FRAGMENT step) shows that Impala has scanned only 16 partitions from a total of 1136:

Performance Partition Pruning

See also

Synthetic Partitioning for details on synthetic partitioning.

Increasing Throughput from Backend to RDBMS

Parallel Query

When a hybrid query is executed in parallel, multiple Smart Connector processes are spawned to ingest data independently for each parallel query slave. This parallel resultset ingestion is most useful for queries that need to send 10s or 100s of millions of rows to the RDBMS.

When using Impala as the backend SQL engine, offloaded tables always have a surrogate partition column called OFFLOAD_BUCKET_ID. See Surrogate Partitioning for Bucketing for details of how this is generated. This surrogate key is used by to enable parallel Smart Connectors to read data from Hadoop concurrently. Each Smart Connector process runs its own query in Impala resulting in each one having its own Impala Query Coordinator (QC). In this way the Impala QC is no longer the serial bottleneck when returning the entire resultset to the RDBMS.

Parallel hybrid queries on other SQL engines such as BigQuery or Snowflake utilize a result cache. (This is also true for Impala when there is no OFFLOAD_BUCKET_ID surrogate partition column in a presented table or view.) The result cache is created in the backend system and enables parallel Smart Connectors to ingest the data into the RDBMS concurrently.


Parallel query functionality also provides general support for parallel processing in Oracle Database.

Interpreting a Hybrid Query Report

Hybrid Query Report provides a range of information to assist with performance investigations. Some guidance on the main sections of the report and how to interpret them are provided below. Instructions on Hybrid Query Report and how to generate reports is provided in the Utilities guide (see Hybrid Query Report).

There are two sections to the main report:

  1. Oracle’s Real-time SQL Monitoring report

  2. Gluent Data Platform’s hybrid query profile

Oracle’s Real-time SQL Monitoring Report

Oracle’s Real-time SQL Monitoring report shows Oracle resource consumption:

Hybrid Query Report Oracle Section


  • The query is accessing the SALES hybrid view (90-10)

  • The data needed from the Oracle Database instance is accessed from the SALES table

  • The data needed from the backend is accessed from the SALES_EXT hybrid external table

  • There was a single execution of the EXTERNAL TABLE ACCESS FULL plan line and yielded 1,920 rows (it is possible for this number to be less than the Oracle received figure if predicates that can’t be pushed down are applied by Oracle Database to this plan line)

Gluent Data Platform’s Hybrid Query Profile

Gluent Data Platform’s hybrid query profile shows Gluent Query Engine/backend resource consumption:

Hybrid Query Report Profile

For more details on the numbered items in the image, see:

1. Oracle Database Plan Line Object

The Oracle Database plan line hybrid external table name is displayed here.

2. Action Buttons

Clicking on an action button displays or hides a collapsible section. These are described below.


Displays the backend SQL statement constructed by Gluent Query Engine:


  • Assists in determining if expected predicates were pushed down to the backend

  • The presence of a 1=1 predicate indicates that Smart Connector was unable to push a predicate down


This displays the profile or metrics exposed by the backend.

  • For Google BigQuery, this will be the Query Statistics profile

  • For Impala, this is the results of the PROFILE statement for one Smart Connector session

  • For Snowflake, this will be the results of an INFORMATION_SCHEMA.QUERY_HISTORY_BY_SESSION lookup, together with an execution plan


  • Assists in determining the efficiency of the backend operations

  • Assists in determining if partition pruning has occurred (where applicable)


Displays the original SQL and the rewritten SQL that resulted from the application of any rewrite rules.


  • Assists in determining if Advanced Aggregation Pushdown has occurred

  • Assists in determining if Join Pushdown has occurred

Join Filter Pulldown

Details on whether Join Filter Pulldown was applied for the different joins in the query.

Backend Execution

For Impala, links to the Impalad Web Interface summary for the Impala query executed.

For BigQuery, links to the query in the query history section of the Google Cloud Platform Console.

For Snowflake, links to the query in the query history section of the Snowflake Web Interface.

3. Connector Operation Status

Smart Connector operations can be broken down into four consecutive stages described below. The presence of a green box containing a tick mark indicates that the phase is complete for all processes. The number of Smart Connector processes is shown in the badge. For serial queries this will be 1/1. For parallel queries this will be the number of buckets the table was offloaded with.


A Smart Connector process is spawned. It requests and receives information from the Metadata Daemon process then constructs the necessary query to be executed in the backend by Data Daemon.


The query is passed to the backend SQL engine to be executed.


The data is scanned, filtered, and joined by the backend where necessary. The resulting data is sent back to the RDBMS. This stage is only complete when all of the required rows have been returned.


The Smart Connector process cleans up and is terminated.

4. Connector Operation Timings

Three timings are given for each stage. Each time is for that stage alone rather than the cumulative time to that point. The green timing is the minimum, the blue is the average, and the orange is the maximum. For serial queries all three timings are the same as they represent a single Smart Connector. For parallel queries the values will be different. This is useful for ensuring that the surrogate key has distributed the data evenly so that each Smart Connector process is processing an equal share of data.

5. Data Transfer Metrics

This shows the flow of rows and bytes from Storage → Smart Connector → Oracle Database. Depending on the availability of data in the Impala profile, some older Impala systems will show the flow of rows and bytes from HDFS → Impala QC → Smart Connector → Oracle Database.


If the Connector Received (and Impala QC Received in some Impala systems) figure for rows is present and less than the <backend> Processed/Scanned then this shows that filtering has occurred. Note that at the time of writing, Snowflake does not expose the number of rows that were scanned by a query before filtering/returning, so this metric will be blank on Snowflake reports.

Network byte inflation

Bytes values will vary according to component. As with rows, the backend will likely scan more bytes than it returns and the bytes processed by Smart Connector and Oracle Database will reflect the filtered results. However, the numbers are not directly comparable. The Oracle Database external table loader must still ingest entire rows, even if they include a large number of columns that are not required. Even if these columns are not going to be used in the rest of the plan the loader still parses and fully ingests them. For Impala backends, Gluent Query Engine pushes the processing overhead of constructing fully encoded external-table rows to the backend including any non-required columns, while on BigQuery and Snowflake backends, this is performed by Data Daemon. Null/empty values are returned for non-projected columns, but the byte-cost of non-projected columns can be quite high. The Connector value also includes network protocol overhead.

6. Time Metrics

This section shows both elapsed and CPU seconds consumed by the backend engine, Smart Connector and Oracle Database for the external table plan line. The Rows per CPU Second metric is a good indicator of the row ingestion performance.

7. Other Information

This section lists any other useful information about the hybrid external table access. At the time of writing, this is currently limited to cloud consumption units such as the number of BigQuery slots or Snowflake credits used to access the data required by the hybrid external table.

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