Sqoop Encryption and Data Integrity in Transit


To use Oracle Native Network Encryption and Oracle Network Data Integrity for all connections from Sqoop the following should all be set.

Gluent Data Platform OS User Profile

On the Cloudera Data Hub edge node perform the following actions as the Gluent Data Platform OS User:

$ . $OFFLOAD_HOME/conf/offload.env
$ cat << EOF >> ~/.bashrc
export HADOOP_OPTS="-Doracle.net.crypto_checksum_client=REQUIRED -Doracle.net.crypto_checksum_types_client=SHA1 -Doracle.net.encryption_client=REQUIRED -Doracle.net.encryption_types_client=AES256 \${HADOOP_OPTS}"

Update Gluent Environment File

Set SQOOP_OVERRIDES to "-Dmapreduce.map.java.opts='-Doracle.net.crypto_checksum_client=REQUIRED -Doracle.net.crypto_checksum_types_client=SHA1 -Doracle.net.encryption_client=REQUIRED -Doracle.net.encryption_types_client=AES256'".

If OFFLOAD_TRANSPORT_CMD_HOST is set to localhost then this should be changed to the hostname of the server on which the offload command is run.

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