Cloudera Data Hub Upgrade


This document includes the upgrade steps for Cloudera Data Hub.

Upgrade Software Installation


The software installation must be upgraded on all servers where Gluent Data Platform is installed.

Perform the following actions as the owner of the existing Gluent Data Platform installation.

Backup Existing Software

Source the Gluent Data Platform environment file and run backup commands:

$ . <OFFLOAD_HOME>/conf/offload.env
$ for f in offload/conf/{offload.env,datad.conf,,*.xml,*.key}; do [ ! -f $f ] || cp $f .; done
$ mv offload offload.$(date +%Y.%m.%d_%H.%M.%S)

Unpack New Software

Unpack the install tarball (gluent_offload_<version>.tar.bz2):


When unpacking, an offload directory will be created if it does not exist. The offload directory is referred to as <OFFLOAD_HOME> and an environment variable ($OFFLOAD_HOME) will be set when offload.env is sourced.

$ cd <Gluent Data Platform Base Directory>
$ tar xpf <Gluent Data Platform Installation Media Directory>/gluent_offload_<version>.tar.bz2

Restore Configuration Files

Copy configuration files into new $OFFLOAD_HOME:

$ for f in {offload.env,datad.conf,,*.xml,*.key}; do [ ! -f $f ] || cp $f offload/conf; done

Creation of User-Defined Functions

If Gluent Data Platform has been installed on a Hadoop node, the connect command should be run from the Hadoop node to install the user-defined functions (UDFs) detailed below. Otherwise, run this command using the Gluent Data Platform installation on an Oracle Database server.

By default UDFs are installed in the default Impala database. This database can be changed by specifying the database name in the OFFLOAD_UDF_DB parameter in offload.env.

To create the UDFs run the supplied connect command with the --install-udfs option:

$ cd $OFFLOAD_HOME/bin
$ . ../conf/offload.env
$ ./connect --install-udfs


In systems using Sentry to control authorization the ALL ON SERVER/CREATE ON SERVER privilege will be required in order to install UDFs. The privilege can be safely removed once this task is complete.

If the user with which Gluent Data Platform will authenticate to Impala is not permitted to have the necessary privileges to create UDFs, even on a temporary basis, then a script can be generated for execution by a system administrator. Use the --sql-file option to specify a file where commands should be written instead of being executed:

$ cd $OFFLOAD_HOME/bin
$ . ../conf/offload.env
$ ./connect --install-udfs --sql-file=/tmp/gluent_udfs.sql

The /tmp/gluent_udfs.sql file can then be run by an Impala user with the required Sentry privileges.

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